
Complete Health and Wellness

Elite Medical understands the task of creating a healthier culture seems daunting. Our healthcare model is proven to effectively engage your employees in healthy changes that will benefit their lives and reduce your expenditures.



  • Your clinic will provide critical vaccinations at work and on-site. We provide easy access, no time lost, and a quick visit with a nurse, just steps away from one's desk or workstation
  • Titers are available to measure antibody levels before starting vaccines.
  • Flu shots, Hep A, Hep B, MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), VZV (Varicella), TB Test, and more available!

Health & Wellness

  • Receive lifestyle coaching, access to interdisciplinary team, waived co-pays for office visits and medications and measurable health improvement through dedicated care.
  • Major health care cost reduction, improved productivity, commitment to empathy and innovation, and premium level of service to members
  • Bilingual in-office wellness visits, telephonic, on-site coaching, health challenges, and digital care management

Employee Screenings

    Selected to fit your needs
    • Laboratory & Pharmacy Services
    • Comprehensive Diagnostic Imaging
    • Employment Physicals
    • Drug Screening
    • Health Risk Assessments & Screenings
    • Nutrition & Wellness Coaching
    • and More!